Summer is Coming Soon! Here’s How You Can Prepare Your Pup.

The weather begins to warm and excitement grows for summer events, trips, and hot days. While we’re busy planning all the fun for the next three months, it’s also time to ditch the dog sweaters and prepare all your fur baby’s favourite summer toys and snacks. Also, you may be starting to consider the best ways to keep your dog cool this summer. Especially if you’re new to the world of dog parenting. 

Keeping your pup cool is an important part of helping them stay comfortable as the city’s temperature rises. Temperature regulation is essential to your pup’s health and safety. Did you know that dogs sweat from their paws? This plays a role in helping your pup regulate their temperature when the weather gets hot. At The Pooches Playhouse, we understand how important it is to make sure your pup is cool and comfortable, so we want to share some tips on how you can best keep your pup cool as a cucumber this summer.

Keep them hydrated.

Not only is water important for your dog’s digestive system, but it’s also an important part of thermoregulation. It helps to cool your dog’s internal temperature and helps their bodies combat heat production. So, grab their favourite bowl and pour!

Find some shade.

We’re all excited for the summer, especially our pups. But it’s important to remember to take breaks when playing or walking to give their body time to relax. Find some soft grass, a tall tree, and grab their favourite summer snack for the perfect mid-play cool down!

Don’t shave their coat. 

While it might seem like sound logic to shave your dog’s coat, much like we cut our hair short in the summertime, it’s one of the worst things you can do for your dog. Thermoregulation is your dog’s natural way to cool themselves down in the summer. It’s an intricate process that involves panting and also sweating. Additionally, their coat acts as an insulator that helps to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. If you shave your dog’s coat, you can interfere with their natural process for cooling down. 

Feed them frozen treats.

It’s a great and yummy way to keep your pup comfortable, cool, and content. Some pup-approved ideas include:

  • Peanut butter
  • Blueberries
  • Watermelon (without seeds)
  • Apples (without seeds and the core)
  • Cucumbers

There Are Many Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool

These are just a few of the ways you can keep your dog cool in the summer heat. By understanding how our pups naturally control their temperature, we can better prepare to help them cool off during those sunny days. 

Want to learn more about how to keep your fur baby cool this summer? Reach out!

Whether you’re looking for tips or a safe place to leave your dog during those weekends away, our CPR and first-aid-trained team is here to help. Contact us today.