There are many reasons why it’s vital to ensure your pup is groomed regularly—besides for sitting pretty. Pet grooming includes trimming your dog’s nails, giving them a good wash, cutting their hair, and more. While many new pup parents know that trimming their pooch’s coat can help maintain a clean look and manage fur shedding, seasoned dog parents understand that pet grooming is for so much more than maintenance.

Pet Grooming is Your Dog’s Health and Hygiene

Dogs have playful personalities, we know that. This means in moments of true excitement they can roll in the mud, jump on people and other dogs, and share their bright and fun nature. What this also means is that their coats, paws, and skin are constantly exposed to bacteria, dirt, and bugs.

In addition, there are specific things to keep in mind when grooming in the winter, fall, and summer. This includes trimming between your pup’s paws to keep them free of ice build-up, according to the Ontario SPCA. While an at-home wash can get the majority of dirt off of your pup, professional pet grooming takes it one step further.

Careful brushing and trimming can help a groomer check your pup for fleas and trapped dirt on the skin. Additionally, it can help distribute healthy oils that encourage growth. Depending on your pup’s breed, there are sometimes special requirements for grooming that help keep their coat free of bacteria and skin free of infection.

For example, a Shih Tzu has long, beautiful fur that creates a luscious and full look to their coat. While trimming their coat helps to keep their legs and feet free for play, it’s crucial to also trim a Shih Tzu’s fur around their eyes. This is a delicate and important step in the grooming process for Shih Tzus.

How often should you groom your dog?

Just like their distinct personalities, dogs can vary in the length and thickness of their coat. This means that grooming times can differ depending on the fullness of your dog’s fur. While a Shih Tzu may need a trim once every two weeks, a dog with a shorter coat and different grooming requirements may not need to see a groomer as often. If you’re unsure how often to groom your pet, we can help.

Keep Your Pup Comfy and Healthy with Pet Grooming at The Pooches Playhouse

We want the best for our pups. However, sometimes life, work, and surprise trips can get in the way. Unfortunately, this means we may not have enough time to properly groom and care for our pups as often as they should be. Our professionals offer regular dog grooming both in-house and with a third-party expert groomer depending on your pup’s needs and requirements.

If you have questions about grooming or are wanting to book a service, reach out to us today.